Vital Force Therapy & Wellness

Dr. Ryan N. Russell,
Founder, CEO
1580 Montgomery Highway, #14
Hoover, AL, 35216
About Dr. Ryan N. Russell
For a long time, Dr. Ryan N. Russell has known that he wanted to be in the world of health and wellness. He has always enjoyed helping others and learned how fulfilling that can be through observing his father as he restored people’s health in his medical practice. He envisioned bringing something to the community that no one else had or was able to offer when it came to their overall health and well-being. For the last three years, he has been patiently building his brand and the vision he has had in his mind for many years!
With the help of his father, Dr. Gary Russell M.D., and the combined efforts of Domenic Iacovone that dream is starting to flourish into something that is going to influence and change the world of healthcare as we know it! Dr. Ryan is proud to say that after many years of sacrifice that his dream has become a reality. He has built an integrative company that is bringing the most cutting edge health care protocols and is able to truly give the community the care and treatment that it needs to optimize their health!

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